After a serious of evens, Mainland China has become one of the worst place contains natural and social environment for babies to grow. As the title said, never be born in China.
"Painless” abortions 無痛的人流
It is very common to abort in Mainland China, not only because of failed contraception, or the sex selection birth, but also the consequence of China One Child Policy. Many hospitals put their commercial as “Painless abortions in XX hospital”.
As the affection of one child policy and legal abortion, China has become one of the most imbalance sex-rate nations of the world. Some regions even have a sex-rate as 150 men against 100 female. Imbalance sex-rate makes millions of Chinese young men can’t find women to get married every year.

Poisonous milk powder 三鹿奶粉
Sanlu had been a very famous dairy products company once before. In 2008, there was melamine being found in Sanlu milk powder, causing three hundred thousands of babies getting Kidney Stones, six deaths. After this even, Sanlu became the pronoun of poisonous milk powder.
However, the sick infants’ parents can’t get any compensations, because Sanlu company got bankruptcy and was disable to pay anything. Parents’ appeals were set aside by the Appeal Court. Media covered the news of them. Although the government emphasized that they will sue people in charge in justice, and strengthen quality tests of milk powder, the melamine was still found in milk in 2010.
三鹿奶粉曾經是國內一家比較有名氣的乳製品企業,2008年出現了三鹿奶粉中含有三聚氰胺導致嬰兒腎結石事件,令三鹿成為毒奶粉的代名詞。三鹿集團破產導致毒奶粉受害嬰兒的家長無法得到該公司的賠償。政府控制下的法院多次拒絕家長們的維權上訴,媒體一直封殺家長維權的新聞。 雖然政府一再強調責查事故責任人,加強奶粉質量監測,然而多種跡象表明毒奶粉陰魂不散。

Inferior vaccine 毒疫苗
Many children got ill after they had been vaccinated in March 2010 in Shanxi Province, hundreds were disable or dead. The Shanxi government’s health department held a news release conference hurriedly, concluding that the vaccination was not the causation. Again, the parents of children failed to lodge their appeals by Appeal Court. And they got black mail.

Drainage oil 地溝油
Drainage oil, a general epithet for the oil recycled from the garbage, which is infamous for its low quality. Many factories collect drainage oil and reproduce it. There are three million ton of drainage oil being reproduced and eaten every year in Mainland China. It is definitely unhealthy, and causes many diseases like cancer.
Jerry-built buildings 豆腐渣學校工程
Many students were killed by collapsed buildings in school during the earthquakes in Sichuan and Qinhai Province. These buildings which were called Jerry-build building for being constructed by low quality materials,
Ai Weiwei, a Chinese artist who wants to collect the list of dead students in Sichuan Earthquake by jerry-builts, was beaten by police in last year. Many parents of their dead children said, " It is not a visitation of Providence, but a man-made calamity."

Campus homicides 校園血案
About in a month, five campus homicides happened. Defenseless students were killed and injured by anti-socialists. The government didn’t realize the real causation is their society policy, but sentenced the criminals to death as soon as possible to keep the society stable, which possibly makes campus homicides happen again.
在35天之內,大陸發生5起校園血案。 疏於防範的各幼兒園小學成為這些報復社會之人的洩憤之地。政府在處置此類的事件時出於維穩保官的心態,大事化小,小事化了,並未深刻反省自己的社會政策,無法從根源上徹底杜絕此類悲劇的再度發生。

This slogan above said: A hero kills corrupt officials, a coward kills kids.
Resource 來源:
南方周末 - 三鹿奶粉事件备忘录
三聚氰胺阴魂不散 “毒奶粉”遗害市场
中国人一年吃掉300万吨地沟油 彻底禁绝需10年