Tencent, king of plagiarism?

“Is there any business which Tencent will not run?" Wang Xin, CEO of Meituan- a Chinese Groupon company, said that. This question is also asked by the rest IT managers in Mainland China.

After a decade's developing, Tencent has become one of the biggest IT companies in China.
However, Tencent is controversy by the way it defeats its competitors called plagiarism. Computer World, a Chinese IT tech magazine, published a article on front page recently, which has led a argument about whether Tencet is copying others' idea and what is innovation exactly.

The Tencent Empire

When Tencent launched QICQ in 1999, it was one of those small companies no one will pay attention. However, QICQ, later changed its name into QQ, has become the most popular IM in China. Based on the customer group of QQ, Tencent expanded into many sections such as online game, search engine, online payment and PC security. Recently, Tencent launched QQ Groupon in low key.

On April, Tencent began its cooperation with Russian DST by purchasing 10 per cent stake of DST, which can be seen as the first step of its internationalization.

Tencent, "you son of bitch"

"Tencent is always plagiarizing, but it never get a lawsuit," This is the most famous comment about Tencent.

The reason why people call Tencent king of plagiarism is that Tencent always launches a product which contains almost same function and feature of its competitor's, but never design a completely new product itself. As Tencent has its advantages in brand and finance, it can easily defeat other small companies and take their market share.Therefore, Tencent‘s existence is seen to be a threat for all the other IT companies in Mainland China.

"There is no innovation, only plagiarism in China."

After Computer World had published article, Tencent, "you son of bitch", many IT commentators posted blogs to defend Tencent. They claimed that Tencent is not the killer of innovation, because there is no original thing about IT in China,"If small companies plagiarize ideas from US companies, then what is wrong with Tencent plagiarizing them?" Many of them insisted that there is no moral in IT competition, only the man who is stronger than any one else can survive.

Across the country, the argument about the definition of plagiarism in IT is still on. However, this event will not effect Tencent's development. Only if one day people are more interested in smart cellphone and iPad than PC, or to sue Tencent for monopolization, can end Tencent's rule in PC.

Robin Li, it's time to hand in money

China National telecast CCTV exposed a web promotion for fake medicines in Baidu.com on July 19. It said the police of Wuhan discovered three factories manufacturing fake medicines and selling them across the country, and they also found out Baidu.com, the biggest web search engine of China, had been joining the fake medicines web promotion by key word bid.

When patients search key word such as rheumatism in Baidu.com, they will find several results of web promotion in the first place, which can not be distinguished. The fake medicine manufacturer paid high amount of money to overbid his competitors, making sure that his website would be found in the first place. Each time the web promotion was clicked, he need to pay 12 yuan (about 1.8 US dollar) to Baidu. 

How profitable the key word bid is? According to the fake medicine manufacturer Gan, the manufacturing cost for each fake medicine is 31 yuan; the delivery cost is 20 yuan; web promotion cost is 495 yuan, which is the biggest cost of all. To sell each fake medicine, Baidu can earn over 70 per cent of the revenue.

Due to Google quitted China in March, Baidu has become the monopolizer in Chinese web search market. By raising the key word bid price, the second quarter Baidu's operation income is higher than expected.

Baidu's key word bid is notorious. However, Baidu always know how to maintain a heathy relationship with government and media by bribe. In 2009, after CCTV had exposed Baidu's key word bid for the first time, Baidu sponsored CCTV 2009 Spring Festival Gala with 50 million. Then CCTV and other media turned their fire to Google China, forcing it to quit. Now Google is gone, there is only Baidu, and CCTV start targeting Baidu. Maybe it is time for Robin Li, Baidu's CEO, to sponor CCTV again.



自iPhone一代上市之時,iPhone系列並不缺乏批評之聲,但大多由於iPhone的熱賣而被掩過。正因為iPhone,蘋果公司一越成為能跟微軟,Google一絕雌雄的IT公司。然而,本該一番風順的iPhone 4因天線問題暴露出蘋果公司的在產品設計和危機處理上的諸多缺點。許多消費者在這次天線門中清醒過來,並不再一味的崇拜蘋果的產品,這對於蘋果來說不是個好消息。

先看看國外IT科技評論網誌TechCruch對於 16日蘋果iPhone 4發布會作出兩點總結。 click)首先,喬布斯把天線問題推給所有的智能手機,認為這是手機的通病。其次,蘋果為所謂的“沒問題的iPhone 4”發送免費外套,解決信號問題。兩者自相矛盾。



得益於上級部門的禁令,唐駿造假門已逐漸淡出媒體的視線,唐駿死不承認學歷造假,到最後不了了之。但蘋果卻沒有這麼好的運氣,這次把天線問題歸類為手機通病,是一種非常不負責任的態度,惹來各方的指責。當然,喬布斯也非常清楚,鑑於iPhone 4還在熱銷當中,最好的解決辦法無疑是免費送個外套,這樣便無需短時間內重新設計iPhone 4,也可以保證現有iPhone 4還會繼續有人買。然而,若是喬布斯能在發布會上主動承認設計缺陷,然後再承諾長期免費送外套(而非所謂的限9月30日之前送外套),其處境將會大為好轉。

天線門事件反映出兩個問題:蘋果的產品不是完美的;蘋果不會為消費者而對其不完美的產品作出改動(即蘋果追求的不是perfect product而是money)。這兩點都是對蘋果多年品牌形象的重大打擊。很可惜,蘋果這次選擇並沒有完全解決天線門,是一次不成功的危機處理,必然要影響蘋果公司將來的發展前程。


2010年7月10日,距離飯否週年祭不過一周,搜狐微博因搜狐新聞“中國已進入笨蛋社會?”專題和宣傳韓寒的獨唱團,觸犯中宣部禁令而被封。隨後,因唐駿學歷造假門而牽扯出六四血卡和政界高官學歷造假,各大微博在一夜間變成“測試版”。 13日,網易微博在晚7點也進入“維護”狀態。新浪,騰訊微博也加大了審查力度,用戶人心惶惶。雖然此時此刻,沒有任何來源消息能證實此次和諧行動會持續多久,是否會出現和諧的新局面,但是因審查而起的微博,這次卻因審查而封,已經說明:即使自宮,微博也不可能在中國這片草泥馬土地上存活。飯否如果在天有靈,看到今天這個局面,也該欣慰了,這正是:儂今葬花人笑痴,他年葬儂知是誰?





Google遊戲能提升Google Chrome OS的娛樂性。 Google Chrome OS不久後就要出現了,對於一款純網頁的操作系統,Google Chrome OS缺乏的是娛樂性。當人們意識到一款遊戲在用Chrome OS打開比Windows更快捷方便時,便更傾向於使用前者。

同時,Google遊戲是類似與Farmville這種多人互動遊戲,這有助於未來Google SNS產品Google Me的用戶吸引度。鑑於國內的SNS大多依賴幾款遊戲提升用戶忠誠度,Google Me也可以用這種方法積累用戶群。


由於Facebook被牆,國內很多人不知道 facebook熱門遊戲之Farmville是出自Zynga之手。 Zynga開發的大多是網頁遊戲,比較適合 Google這種純網頁產品戰略。當然,Zynga憑藉多款遊戲,名聲鵲起,而 Google根本沒有做遊戲的經驗,選擇跟Zynga合作完全要比Google自己研發遊戲要好多了。



  • 純網頁化;
  • 多人在線互動;
  • 免費;
  • 跟Google其他產品整合。

如果Google決定遊戲將是Google Chrome OS中一個重要組成部分,那麼Google也有可能開發一款基於HTML5而非Flash的網頁遊戲,從此讓網頁遊戲告別Flash時代,這對國內的模仿者說,無疑是一種打擊。


有人會說天朝不至於連一款網頁遊戲也封,但事實證明 GFW總會給網民們帶來驚喜。就在GFW封鎖Foursquare不到一個月的時間,人家已經發展到了兩百萬用戶,並以平均每週新增10萬用戶繼續呈上升之勢。對於互聯網產品來說,GFW是最具權威的品牌驗證。只要Google遊戲足夠好,就必然會遭被牆的待遇。

Firefox 4, Chrome的跑路


時隔一年,Firefox 4 Beta 1如今終於出現。(點擊下載)光看其界面跟Opera十分相似。除了Tab置頂,Firefox 4另一個學Chrome的地方是插件安裝後不重啟。但實話說,這對於現有的插件來說都是不可能的。Firefox每次更新都有大批用戶不願升級至最新版,就是因為瀏覽器升級後發現插件不能兼容,可謂是成也插件,敗也插件。所以Firefox 4在出正式版之前必須保持對現有插件的兼容性。

Firefox一直都在模仿它的競爭者,使對方的用戶能更容易的轉投到Firefox的陣營來。然而目前Firefox面臨著一個非常尷尬的局面,它的老對手IE仍然佔有六成的市場,微軟正雄心勃勃的研發IE 9重振江山。而Google Chrome已超越Opera和Safari雄起,正蠶食着Firefox的市場份額,對Firefox構成極大威脅。這時,Firefox似乎放棄了跟風IE,而轉向跟Chrome跑路了。





Google中國自遷到香港之後,愈發顯得病態,幾個門下的服務在偉大的GFW封鎖下奄奄一息。從六月30日起,Google的搜索服務連續3天出現大面積被封鎖狀態。Google苦心停止Google.cn至Google香港的跳轉,不過是想挽救部分用戶罷了。如果真棄了大陸用戶,無疑便將光榮的加入 Twitter,facebook等輩,成為不存在的網站。


幾乎所有的憲法中都要規定要言論自由。像台灣的民國憲法第十一,十二條寫到:“人民有言論、講學、著作及出版之自由;人民有秘密通訊之自由。”根據這條憲法,新聞審查,網絡審查和網絡監控都是屬於違憲。好在當年黨有眼光,不但把國民黨趕下台,還把國父一手創建的民國也一併端走了,這才使得今日能藉著保護言論自由而搞網絡審查。這在洋人們看來,根本就是自相矛盾之事。 也難怪人家百度一下子就能明白的潛規則,谷歌卻不能猜透之一二。


中文搜索最大的特點在於其搜索的不准確性。搜索引擎的根本目標為使用戶於最短的時間找到自己需要的網站或者信息,而搜索引擎的準確性其根本在於收錄網頁的能力。Google的爬蟲能追尋每個網頁的鏈接,幾乎覆蓋所有的網頁,搜索即快又準。 而國內的搜索由於網頁的收錄有限,許多國外網站沒有收錄,這就是為什麼中文搜索引擎在搜索英文時顯得頗為吃力。以百度為例,搜索全球瀏覽量第二的facebook,竟在前 10頁也都沒有找到其官網的鏈接。


