This sake has 13 degree alcohol, but drinks like less alcohol than Dutch beer with 5 degree. Then I read the instruction on the back of bottle, I see some Japanese Chinese characters(Kanji). It needs to be warmed before drinked. And so I did, and it smelled very good with alcohol. That’s why the wine is kept in a pot to maintain temperature. It drinks a little sweetly. And it is not very easy to get drank.
The sake drinking way is very alike the way to drink tea. They both use a very small cup to contain water, just because if it drinks more times than a bigger cup, you can taste it more times.
今天还做了虾豆腐羹和炒中国大白菜(货真价实的中国货,荷兰语Chinese kool)。不过超市里买来的虾好像有点不新鲜了。